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ASU upgrades equipment and constitution

ASU members discussed budgets during their bi-weekly financial meeting and reworked its constitution.

By Maïa Richaud Valley Life Editor

Two projects dominated ASU finances on April 9, with approvals totaling $23,250 allocated for new computers and the “Undocu Queer Quinceanera.” During the latter part of the meeting, ASU officers, commissioners, and advisors convened for the Executive Council Meeting to update ASU’s constitution.

A portion of this week’s budget will be allocated to purchasing 13 computers for board members and student ambassadors at a cost of $20,500, inclusive of delivery and set up through Golden Star Technology, a district-partnered company. These upgraded computers aim to streamline workflow, addressing previous issues with sluggish performance. The remaining $2,750 of the budget will support the “Undocu Queer Quinceañera,” an event organized by the Rainbow Pride Center, on May 2. This event offers Valley’s undocumented and or LGBTQ+ students an opportunity to partake in a significant celebration within the Latinx community. 

Following the financial matters and board member reports, ASU discussed the amendments and bylaws of their constitution. Originally selected for an hour, the meeting required an additional hour for members to finalize proposed changes. 

Student ambassadors meticulously reviewed each amendment and bylaw, ensuring there were no objections to the proposed alterations. At times, debate persisted for over half an hour, with every council member having the opportunity to express their views on the changes.

This was particularly evident in the case of Article VII - Elections, Section 5 of the amendments, where the original changes stipulated that board members could not hold office in a club to prevent conflicts of interest. Extensive debate ensued over the adoption of this new rule, ultimately resulting in a compromise. It was finally decided that appointed and elected Executive Council Officers and Commissioners cannot hold club positions of President, Vice President, and ICC Representatives, but could assume roles such as Secretary and Treasurer. 

Further modifications were made, including renaming the positions of Parliamentarian to Chief of Justice. 

Regarding the bylaws, student ambassadors updated the roles and responsibilities of each council position. For instance, the Commissioner of Campus and Environmental Affairs is now tasked with hosting Earth-Day related events during the month of April.


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