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Boutique opens for students

Valley College students experiencing basic need insecurity can now access free clothing and hygiene products at the Unity Center.

By Maïa Richaud, Valley Life Editor

English major Siobhán Quille standing inside the Boutique located at Los Angeles Valley College in the Unity Center. Siobhán is showing off her green hoodie that they got from the boutique on Thursday February 15. Janessa Scoggins | The Valley Star

A free clothing exchange program headed by Pride Plus counselor Natalie Guerrero originally opened its doors for LGBTQ+ students but has since welcomed anyone enrolled at Valley. 

“Some of our students don't have easy access to laundry, so we want to make sure they have something clean and ready to wear,” said the Counselor. “I have seen many students that just may be very cold outside, they throw on a jacket (from the boutique) and that's what they wear for the day.”

Guerrero and Valley alumni Jamie Roisman had the idea and took steps to launch the project in the spring of 2023. Students can find the Boutique in the Unity Center during its hours of operation. It provides free and freshly washed clothing, accessories, and hygiene products that students can take when they are in need or donate. 

The Boutique will also be present as a pop-up in collaboration with the basic needs center during the weekly food distribution on Thursdays. A limit of three items per week is set, but if more items are needed, students can make an appointment with Natalie Guerrero.

“We also have some more miscellaneous items,” said Siobhan Quille, a student worker for the Rainbow Pride Center. “We've got aprons, we had a printer for a bit, we got a donation of condoms and other safe sex items and pamphlets from an SCD Screening Organization named Tarzana Treatment Centers.”

An average of two students per week are using the Rainbow Boutique. Their supply availability changes, so students don’t always get the same thing. 

“For any student that is experiencing any basic needs insecurity, we have services here at the Unity Center,” said Natalie Guerrero. “We work together to make sure that our students are supported while attending Valley College.”

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